About Us

The MARC-WSU program is funded by the National Institutes of Health and provides two years of support for undergraduate students in their junior and senior years who come from backgrounds underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.

This program enhances our students’ ability to gain access to a high-caliber Ph.D. program in the biomedical and/or behavioral fields and pursue a career as a leader in biomedical research. It accomplishes this goal through a curriculum of research skills courses, facilitation of research experiences, and placement within advising and mentoring relationships. An annual orientation workshop students inform current and new scholars and their faculty mentors about MARC-WSU events for each new academic year.

Though the MARC-WSU program, a diverse and well-trained pool of scientists and engineers will contribute to creative and innovative health solutions allowing the United States to remain a world leader in biomedical sciences. Moreover, by increasing diversity in the biomedical sciences workforce, MARC-WSU will enable the U.S. to eliminate health disparities across the nation by providing an empathetic workforce that reflects all socioeconomic backgrounds.

Meet Our Team

Contact us

Our staff

  • Mary Sánchez Lanier, MARC-WSU Program Director
  • Samantha Gizerian, MARC-WSU Program Director
  • Alla Kostyukova, MARC-WSU Program Director
  • Kira Carbonneau, MARC-WSU Program Evaluator
  • Jeremy Lessmann, Director, Office of Undergraduate Research
  • Heather Beckner, Fiscal Analyst

DAESA administration in support of the MARC-WSU program

  • Beverly Makhani, Director of Communications and Marketing
  • Daniel Rieck, Web Developer and Coordinator