MARC: Maximizing Access to Research Careers

Shown above: Several examples of WSU undergraduate research activities taking place in the laboratory of MARC-WSU program director and Paul Hohenschuh Distinguished Professor Alla Kostyukova.

The MARC-WSU program is an NIH-funded unique opportunity for undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to embark on a two-year program of scientific research, leadership development, and graduate-school preparation.

All MARC-WSU students:

  • Receive stipend and partial-tuition coverage for two years
  • Gain valuable research experience
  • Get a 10-week summer research experience at a research-intensive university
  • Attend a national scientific meeting
  • Experience academic, career, and personal guidance
  • Pursue a career in biomedical research
Samira Diaz De Leon, recipient of a $20,000 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship.

MARC-WSU Student and Biochemistry Senior Receives $20K NIH Scholarship

Samira Diaz De Leon, a Washington State University senior from California, is one of 12 new recipients nationwide of a $20,000 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship given to those pursuing future careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science research.

Financial Support Includes:

  • $13,368 stipend for junior and senior years (final two years of baccalaureate program)
  • 60% of college tuition/fees paid by MARC-WSU (junior and senior years)
  • A paid (transportation included) 10-week summer research experience at a research-intensive institution
  • Travel expenses to present research at national meetings

Opportunities to Gain Research Experience:

  • Research training with outstanding faculty at WSU
  • Research Skills I-IV classes
  • Assistance in applying for biomedical and/or behavioral graduate programs

About the MARC-WSU Program

MARC (Maximizing Access to Research Careers)

This program is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (project number 1T34GM141971-01) and is a partnership of the Office of the Provost, the Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement, the Graduate School, with WSU’s Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture and the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Program Directors

Mary Sánchez Lanier is an Assistant Vice Provost and a scholarly professor in the School of Molecular Biosciences (SMB).

Alla Kostyukova is the Paul Hohenschuh Distinguished Professor professor in the Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering.

Samantha S. Gizerian is a scholarly associate professor in the Dept. of Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience (IPN).